Dr. Tanya Adams

Welcome to North Shore Weight Loss, and welcome to your health, transformed. I am Dr. Tanya Adams, a board certified physician in both family medicine and lifestyle medicine, and I have been in private practice since 2003. I started NSWL to help others find their path to improved health by treating obesity as a medical problem.

My weight loss journey started in 2017 when I met a close friend for lunch, but she was on a liquid fast in preparation for a gastric sleeve surgery, so we went for a walk at the beach. I decided then that I too needed to make a drastic change to get off the obesity rollercoaster, but I would try combining treatments in a new way. I had dieted, exercised, tried stimulants and fat blockers, but nothing helped and most of it hurt. I never felt that I had the willpower to do it all simultaneously, but I thought I had to try, or I would concede to going under the knife, as my friend was about to do. Plus I had one secret ingredient, a GLP-1 medication. At that point I was one tenth of a point away from being classified as a type 2 diabetic, making this an off-label use of this class of drug at that time. Finally, combining a GLP-1 medication with a sensible diet and appropriate medical support, supplements, and lifestyle changes, and other prescription medications at times, I have been able to gradually lose and maintain a loss of 80 pounds and have been on maintenance for years.

I’ve been leading the patients in my general practice for years to the physical and mental freedom that comes with quieting the mind and letting the body heal with the use of GLP-1 medications, but that wasn’t a far enough reach. Obesity is so pervasive in our society and is the root of so many chronic ailments, and we finally have safe and effective treatments to reduce the harms of the obesity pandemic. Unfortunately, the Covid pandemic has contributed to supply issues for these medications just as demand is soaring. Identifying this need for helping patients find and obtain an effective weight loss tool has led me to assemble a team of experienced experts to make the dream of losing and maintaining weight loss a reality for you. I’m excited to help you on your weight loss journey!